Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey guys!!! Thanks for posting, it will be so fun to see what everybody is up and where they are living. So on the 13th we will be driving home from disneyland so that wont work for us, but if that is better for everybody else I say go for it!! The more the merrier right???? Hopefully more people will get on and say if that date works for them or not. Talk to ya soon!
ps: audrey, I had no idea that you were living so close to bear lake, we might just have to take you up on that offer :) now maybe you"ll rethink that offer ;) love ya!


  1. Super! We are here at your convenience! We'd love to have you! You know the lake is up don't you - it hasn't been this high since 1997 :)

  2. Sorry Lindsey, one more thing - can you set it up so we get an email when any new postings go up? We have that on our Eversole blog and it is pretty handy. If it is time consuming, don't worry about it, but if it takes a click of the mouse, I would appreciate it.

  3. Excited to follow the family on this blog. I will get better at how to post things. Looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone. Sheri
